Product Focus- Amino Blend 365
Amino Blend 365, as the name suggests, is suited to year round use and is highly effective at dispersing in even the coldest of water temperatures. You only have to open and smell the sweet, creamy yet fruity punch this incredible liquid food packs to know that it will be a winter wonder! One of the biggest success factors of this liquid is down to the high solubility and incredible nutrient attractor profile, allowing it to disperse maximum levels of attraction in all water temperatures.
How can I use Amino 365?
Well, this liquid has a multitude of uses and only stops as far as the imagination can reach! Many of our team anglers use this liquid to heavily boost the creamy, cloudy signals of their chosen spod/ PVA bag mix. A good glug of this liquid will provide hours of oozing attraction in the swim, leaving a halo of powerful appetite stimulants around the baited area. This is particularly effective in the winter when more attraction but less food items present can often be the key to gaining success.
This superb liquid can also be used in the production of bag and stick mixes, perfectly complimenting the Live System bag mix in order to create small yet incredibly attraction parcels of goodness around the hookbait. In the winter, these can be cast to showing fish and provide minimal food yet optimum feeding stimulants.
When should I use Amino 365?
Amino 365 is suited for year round use, but due to the makeup of essential amino acids and nutrient profile, it is highly effective during the winter when most other liquids become less so. There is no limit to the inclusion of this liquid, being purely natural, but we would recommend 50/100ml depending on the quantity of loosefeed.
What baits does Amino 365 compliment?
Amino 365 can be used successfully alongside a whole host of products, but due to the creamy, yeasty nature of this liquid, the profile is certainly more suited to use alongside baits such as Live System and Equinox. It has a multitude of purposes and can significantly improve the instant appeal of loose feed items such as pellets & particle, alongside boosting single hookbaits and food bait items.