Hadley Ever- A mighty zig result!
Spodding over zigs can be one of the most effective methods in the winter- time, as Hadley Ever proved on a recent session down at his local syndicate. When the fish are up in the layers, zigs are often the only way to produce bites, as they are very inclined to stay in the most comfortable layers in the water column. Even attractive beds of bait on the deck are sometimes just not good enough at converting bites, so alternative methods have to be looked into.
A super cloudy, sweet spod mix can often be the key to draw them into the area when fishing zigs; many anglers fear that a small piece of foam or a pop- up simply isn’t enough attraction to get bites and this is where a ‘soup’ style mix can drastically benefit. When fishing up in the layers, creating an attraction cloud around the zig itself can often bring fish in to the party, which often quickly results in a take when the fish see’s your presented hookbait among the cloud, thinking it is an item of food.
This specific method is effective when fishing in the top third of the water column, where you would likely find fish on days where the pressure is high and the bright sunshine is out. this is just a general rule of thumb and they can even be found in the upper layers during the night, so being adapatble with your zigs will be beneficial.
A simple but highly effective cloud mix can be all it takes to draw them into a feeding mood while up in the layers, but choosing the right type of bait to achieve this is key. Fine mixes are key, alongside cloudy liquids that help to disperse attraction that lingers in the upper layers. The Sweet Nut Cloud is a firm favourite among many anglers for achieving this baiting presentation, that when combined with the Response+ Cream Booster, delivers an awesome cloud that lingers in the layers for prolonged periods.
If you haven’t tried spodding cloudy ‘soup’ over your zigs before then don’t be afraid to give it a go, it could turn a lifeless swim into a red- letter session as Hadley proved recently!