Designed by anglers and regarded by many top anglers as the 'perfect PVA bag mix', Oily Bag Mix is a purpose made PVA bag mix packed with fish meals and oils, fish protein and high-quality krill meal. Together, these highly effective bait components combine to release appetite stimulating attractors to all layers of your swim, creating a confident feeding response from passing fish. An excellent year-round mix.
This outstanding PVA bag mix has been designed by some of the most successful day ticket anglers in Carp angling. It contains a carefully selected blend of powerful fish-attracting products that pack a multitude of different feeding stimulants into every PVA bag you cast out, constantly pulling fish into your baited area.
Supplying very high quality antioxidants, fish proteins/amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and omega fish oils, Oily Bag Mix also contains pure Salmon Micro Feed and Antarctic Krill Meal that will be released to form a fine natural particle cloud in your swim, encouraging fish to drop down and feed on your bag mix – a deadly tactic
Oily Bag Mix Properties:
Usage Tip:
Summer/Autumn: A blend of oil-based and soluble liquids added to Oily Bag mix will give you the best response in warm water. We recommend 30+ml/kg Liquid Crab Compound, Liquid Tuna Compound or Whole Krill Compound.
Winter/Spring: Just a 20mm diameter PVA bag of Oily Bag Mix may be enough in cold water. Lace the mix with Feedstim XP liquid before using it. This gives it maximum solubility in even the most icy-cold water.
Customer Guidance:
This product should be stored cool, dry and out of direct sunlight.